Town of Tunica Veterans Memorial

In honor of Veterans of all Branches of the Military: those who made the supreme sacrifice, those honorably discharged and those who continue to serve their country, this unique Sculpture captures a poignant scene from the Vietnam War depicting the sacrifice, compassion and courage displayed by those who went in harm's way.

World War I


Total Service Members 4,734,991 Battle Deaths 53,402 Other Deaths (In Service) 63,114 Non-Mortal Woundings 204,002

World War II


Total Service Members 16,112,566 Battle Deaths 291,557 Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 113,842 Non-Mortal Woundings 671,846

Korean War


Total Service Members 5,720,000 Battle Deaths 33,686 Other Deaths in Service (Theater and Non-Theater) 20,560 Non-Mortal Woundings 103,284

Vietnam War


Total Service Members 9,200,000 Deployed to Southeast Asia 3,100,000 Battle Deaths 47,410 Other Deaths in Service (Theater and Non-Theater) 42,788 Non-Mortal Woundings 153,303

Gulf War

1990-1991Total Service Members 2,322,332 Deployed to Gulf 1,136,658 Battle Deaths 148 Other Deaths in Service (Theater and Non-Theater) 1149 Non-Mortal Woundings 467

Marker is on South Main Street.


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