Transcontinental Railroad

As western settlement increased, the need for an overland railroad was voiced by various groups, including Utah pioneers who petitioned Congress, Mar. 1852. The Enabling Act of 1862 authorized construction. First rails laid by Central Pacific in Sacramento, Cal. Oct. 26, 1863; by Union Pacific near Omaha, Neb. July 10, 1865. Strong and determined men hewed the iron road to complete a gigantic task that ended with driving of the Golden Spike at Promotory, Utah May 10, 1869. In lieu of cash settlement on his contract, Brigham Young accepted as partial payment from Union Pacific $600,000 in iron and rolling stock, with which Utah Central Railroad was built, Ogden to Salt Lake City, and dedicated Jan. 10, 1870.

Marker is at the intersection of 400 West and South Temple Street, on the right when traveling south on 400 West.


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