Tuscaloosa First United Methodist Church

Organized 1818 by Ebenezer Hearn. First building on this site erected in 1834 included a church bell moulded in Boston by coppersmiths Paul Revere and Sons. Present structure with marble Ionic columns was constructed 1922; Education Annex in 1953; Chitwood Hall in 1964. Edward Sims, a member and prominent local leader, in 1826 built and donated to this church, Tuscaloosa Female College. William W. Brandon, Alabama Governor (1923-1927) was a member. Served by outstanding ministers: four became Methodist bishops: Robert Paine, John C. Keener, James H. McCoy and Clare Purcell. This church has and continues to faithfully proclaim the compassion of Christ.

Marker is at the intersection of Greensboro Avenue and 8th Street on Greensboro Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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