Tuscarawas County Viet-nam Veterans Memorial

1959 - 1975

“To those who survived, we are grateful and welcome you home.”

“To those who still suffer, either in mind or body, we acknowledge it and appreciate what you've done for us and we will not forget.”

“For those who are missing, we will not give up hope of bringing you home.”

“And to the families of those who did not survive, whether they died on foreign soil or here at home, we offer our respect and prayers that this sort of tragedy does not come again to our home land.”

“We etch these names in granite to stand against time so we and our children can learn and remember.”

“In the shadow of liberty there are many benefits and freedoms for us all, but at a cost of great personal tragedy.”

Memorial designed by George Beley

Dedicated May 27, 1985

Marker is on High Avenue (Ohio Route 39), on the left when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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