U.S. 17th Infantry Campsite

River Raisin Battlefield 1813

Elements of the U.S. 17th Infantry were camped in an open field just north of here when the British and Indians launched their surprise counterattack at dawn, January 22, 1813. The Americans held their ground here for 20 minutes before the Canadian militiamen with the British and Indians flanked them, forcing a retreat. Reinforcements arrived from the Kentucky militia camp to the west, but the Americans forces soon found themselves fleeing across the frozen river toward the old road to Ohio. Nearly 400 Americans were eventually swept into this retreat. Later, the British moved their cannon to this site, hoping to surround the Kentucky militia camp, which was still fighting courageously.

Marker can be reached from East Elm Street 0.2 miles north of Detroit Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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