Veterans Memorial

Lest We Forget

For us they served

For us they gave

Now in one accord

We do them honor

Dedicated to all

men and women

of Crawford County Wisconsin

who served this great nation

for God and country

in military service

Honor Roll

In memoriam

to the men of Crawford County

who gave their lives in the great

World War

1917 • 1919

Frank Adams ·

Melvin Barker ·

Joseph Bolint ·

Eli Boyd ·

Alva A. Caya ·

Harry B. Craigo ·

Arthur C. Creighton ·

Ben F. Daugherty ·

Ray Davenport ·

Harold A. Davidson ·

Gaylord Dosch ·

Cosmos Du Charme ·

Eldon E. Elliott ·

Howard E. Felton ·

Fred Frazier ·

Edward R. Fried ·

Earl L. Giddings ·

Clifford Gremore ·

Clarence Hanson ·

John Haugen ·

Elias S. Hicks ·

Joseph Jaynes ·

Edwin C. Karnopp ·

Harvey S. Kimball ·

Rudolph Kotlaba ·

Andrew E. Larson ·

Wm. L. Layde ·

John T. Leary ·

Chas. Wm. Mc Cormick ·

John Mc Ginnis ·

Harry W. Mc Kinney ·

Elmer G. Nelson ·

Wm. B. Parland ·

Loren J. Peacock ·

Wm. J. Pohlman ·

David F. Price ·

Anthony F. Prochaska ·

Earnest J. Richardson ·

Glen John Rogers ·

Walter E. Rose ·

Wm. W. Schoville ·

Phillip D. Seely ·

Henry A. Slade ·

Phillip Cramer Smith ·

Ulysses Smith ·

Wencel J. Sprosty ·

Edward C. Stluka ·

Joseph F. Tesar ·

Albert Tyler ·

Roland L. Vaughan ·

Solfest B. Woldol

Marker is at the intersection of East Hayden Street and North Beaumont Road on East Hayden Street.


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