Veterans Memorial of Timeless Honor

In Memory of

All World War II Veterans

This memorial is in honor of all of the World War II veterans who were involved in the fight for the freedom of America and the free world.

Whether they fought in the Pacific or European theater, they faced a resolute and often brutal enemy; yet they possessed the inner strength and courage that kept them going on the beaches at Normandy, in the deserts of North Africa and on the islands of the South Pacific.

The actions of those who were called to duty were probably best described by the words of Admiral Nimitz: "Uncommon valor was a common virtue."

In Memory of

All Korean War Veterans

50th Anniversary July 27, 2003

They told us, "We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it." So we fought in the mountains on Heartbreak Ridge and waded ashore at Inchon.

We froze in the winter and baked in the summer sun.

At times, we were greatly outnumbered; but we still fought on and many of us gave our lives for Freedom...for Justice...and for Peace.

In Memory of

All Vietnam Veterans

This memorial was erected in memory of the young individuals who went to war as kids and lost their youthful dreams, and some their lives, for a cause - freedom and honor - and came back as men with the horrors of war instilled in every fiber of their being and were never given the respect and honor they so dearly deserved from the public or United States government.

God will one day judge our actions. Until then, He will shine on the lives of each veteran now and forever more because He was with each of them in Vietnam. He is the only One that truly knows what they went through and are living with every day.

Missouri Recipients of the

Congressional Medal of Honor

Civil War

Charles Bieger - Army • Charles H. DePuy - Army

James E. Flynn - Army • Joseph L. Follett - Army

Henry F. Frizzell - Army • M.R. William Grebe - Army

Fitz W. Guerin - Army • Nathaniel M. Gwynne - Army

Henry A. Hammel - Army • Louis T. Hunt - Army

Dennis T. Kirby - Army • William W. McCammon - Army

Joseph M. Pesch - Army • Ambrose Porter - Army

Howell G. Trogden - Army • John W. Wagner - Army

William M . Wherry - Army • Joseph Wortick - Army

Indian Campaigns

James Anderson - Army • Abram B. Brant - Army • William C. Bryan - Army • William Evans - Army • Nicholas Foran - Army • Thomas H. Forsyth - Army • George Geiger - Army • William P. Hall - Army • Mosher A. Harding - Army • Frank E. Hill - Army • Michael A. McCann - Army • Albert W. McMillian - Army • Fred Myers - Army • Adam Neder - Army • Samuel D. Phillips - Army • Edwin Phoenix - Army • Charles Schroeter - Army • Robert B. Scott - Army • Charles Sheppard - Army • John H. Shingle - Army • Charles E. Smith - Amry • Christian Steiner - Army • Charles Taylor - Army • Leroy H. Vokes - Army • Enoch R. Weiss - Army • Henry Wills - Army

Philippine Insurrection

Archie Miller - Army • Charles W. Ray - Army • Edward White - Army

China Relief

Louis R. Galennie - Marine Corps

Philippine 1911

Fred H. McGuire - Navy

Mexican Campaign

Julius C. Townsend - Navy

World War I

John H. Balch - Navy • Charles D. Barger - Army • John L. Barkley - Army • Arthur J. Forrest - Army • M. Waldo Hatler - Army • Alexander R. Skinker - Army

2nd Haitian Campaign

William R. Button - Marine Corps • Herman H. Hanneken - Marine Corps

World War II

Herbert H. Burr - Army • Darrell S. Cole - Marine Corps • Albert L. David - Navy • Samuel C. Fuqua - Navy • James H. Howard - Army Air Corps • Willy F. James, Jr - Army • Ova A. Kelley - Army • Edward H. "Butch" O'Hare - Navy • George Phillips - Marine Corps • Paul F. Riordan - Army • Joe C. Specker - Army

Korean War

Billie G. Kanell - Army • Charles R. Long - Army

Richard G. Wilson - Army

Vietnam War

William E. Adams - Army • Donald E. Ballard - Navy • Danny J. Petersen - Army • George K. Sisler - Army

Peace Time Awards

August Holtz - Navy • Robert W. Cary - Navy

Marker is on 17th Street, on the left when traveling west.


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