VFW 155mm Howitzer
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 9086 Torrington, CT.
155mm Howitzer
Presented to the
City of Torrington
All Veterans Memorial
[ lower plaque ]
M114A2 Howitzer, Medium
Towed 155mm Cannon
Max Range: 30, 000 Meters
Rate of Fire: 4 Rnds per min. (maximum)
Carriage Mfg by: Lufkin Foundry & Machine Co. in 1944
Barrel: Mechanized, Recoil M6A2 Rock Island Arsenal, IL
A military 1-1/2 up to 5 Ton truck towed this field artillery weapon along with a gun crew of six for fire missions.
Marker is at the intersection of South Main Street and Litchfield Street, on the left when traveling north on South Main Street.
Courtesy hmdb.org