Vietnam War Memorial

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This campaign ribbon awarded to all who proudly served with the armed forces in Vietnam

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MACV 2/62 to 3/73

12 Infantry Divisions 367 units

1t Inf. - 2nd Inf. - 3rd Mech - 4th Inf.

5th Mech - 6th Inf. - 7th Inf. - 8th Mech

9th Inf - 23rd AMCL - 24th Inf. - 25th Inf.

1st Cal Div. Airborne 51 units

11th Air Assault Div. 25 units

101st Airborne Div.

3rd Be. 82nd Airborne Div.

5th Special Forces

4 Armored Div. 105 units

1st 2nd 3rd - 4th

Soldiers 4,368,000

Wounded 96,802 Lost 38,189

Chicopee lost 10

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1964-73 265,000 - in Vietnam 8-9000

Facts about women in Vietnam

5.8% wounded 1.3% in combat area

1.2% awarded Purple Heart .08% P.O.W.



Over 6750 nurses cared for

350,000+ casualties in Vietnam

The tender loving care of our

nurses will always be remembered

by those for whom they cared

women lost 8 nurses

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1st Marine Wing DaNang 5/1965

3 helicopter 3 fighter bomber grps

3rd Mar. Amphibious Force 5/65-4/71

1st Mar. Div. 4 Inf. Rgts 1-5-7-27th 3BN ea.

3rd Mar. Div. 4 Inf. Rgts 3-4-9-26th 3 BN ea.

Armor 4Bn Force Rcn 2BN antitank 2 BN

1st Field Artillery Group

11th Arty Rgt 4Bn 12th Arty Rgt 6BN

Misc Arty 7 units EGR 5BN Radio 3BN

Med 2BN 1 Hspl Co MP 2BN Motor 5BN

1st Force Ser Rgt 4BN Sev 5BN 1 Co

Total units 103 Marines 794,000

Wounded 51,392 Lost 14,837

Chicopee lost 3

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To the above committee - to the citizens & businesses whose donations made this monument possible. Thank you. Richard J. Kos Mayor Dedicated 04-30-2000

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7th Fleet deployed from Japan

to S.E. Asia 1961-1973

Battleship Cruisers Destroyers

Task Gp. 70.8 ships & inland targets

Task Force 73 Logistic Support to

warships at sea off Vietnam

T.F. 76 coastline amphibious attacks

T.F. 77 Carrier aircraft S.E. Asia

T.F. 115 3/65 144 boats patrolling

S.E. Asia 1200 mile coastline

T.F. 116 12/65-12/70 river patrol force

Sqd. #5, commanded the boats

Pacific Fleet's SEAL Team #1

T.F. 117 2/67-8/69 Riverine Assault

4 River Assault Sqds 400 men each

Sailors 1,842.000 Total Lost 2,562

Chicopee Lost 1

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2nd Air Div. 10/62-4/66

7th Air Force Org. 4/66-3/73

3rd-12th 31st 35th 366th TAC Fgtr. Wing

834th Air Civ AF Adv. Grp

7/13 Air Force 1/66

8th 355th 388th T.F.W.

432d 533d T.R.W. 56th Sp.Op.Wing

SAC 1965-1973 B52 Bombers 3rd A.Div.

Westover AFB 337th MAS C-124

WAFB 99th BW-B-52's KC 135 1965-1973

8th AF 7/70 4133d BW Guam 425 8th SAW

307 SAW Thailand 4252 SAW Okinawa

MAC 1963-1973 TAX 1962-72 834th A.Div.

11/66-11/70 Sub Unit 315th S.O.W. 483d TAW

315th A.Div. Sub units 374th 463d TCW

Total 1,740,000 Wounded - 931 Lost 2,582

Chicopee Lost 2

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Vietnam S.E. Asia 1965-75

1200 miles of coastline

56 ships cruised 5.5 million miles

5800 naval gunfire missions

Support units 4 Buoy Tenders 1 Cargo

Sqd. 1 Opr.Mkt.Time 26 82 ft. Patrol Boats

assigned Div. 11-9 Div. 12-8 Div. 13-9

Sqd. 3 30 High Endurance Cutters

8 deloyments 4-1967, 1-1972

12 C.G. pilots flew Air Force C-130

& Helicopters HH-3 HH-53

Total 8000 Wounded 60 Lost 7

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They answered their country's call and served with our military personnel on land, on sea & in the air. Their only weapons, faith & books of prayer. They gave comfort & moral support to all, 16 gave their lives, 3 were awarded "The Medal of Honor" Their services in the hour of need will always be appreciated.

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"No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misreported now. Rarely have so many people been so wrong about so much. Never have the consequences of their misunderstanding been so tragic." President Richard Nixon

Marker is on Bonneville Avenue south of Front Street, on the right when traveling north.


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