Virginia Laydon

The First Surviving Child Born in Virginia to English Parents

We Remember

Virginia Laydon

The First Surviving Child Born in Virginia to English Parents

Member of this Parish

Virginia Laydon was born about 1609, the first child of Anne Burras Laydon and John Layton.

Anne Burras, age 14, came to Jamestown as maid to Mistress Lucy Forrest in 1608.

John Laydon, a carpenter, had arrived in 1607 aboard the Susan Constant. They were wed at Jamestown.

“… And the first white wedding held on Virginia ground

Will marry no courtly dame to a cavalier

But Anne Burras, lady’s maid, to John Laydon, laborer,

After some six weeks courtship … a Fall wedding

When the leaves were turning red and the wild air sweet.”

Western Star

Stephen Vincent Benet

The union prospered and was blessed with three more daughters. The Laydons acquired land in the Kikotan (Hampton) area and in 1625 are listed among the residents of Elizabeth City Parish.

The circle of time is now complete. Jacob Heffelinger, former Union soldier and well known member of this church wrote a history of the Town and Parish ion the occasion of its 300th anniversary in 1910 recommending the erection in the parish of a suitable memorial to the first Virginia Family.

Crafted by Ira Dekoven

Dedicated May 1, 1986

Marker can be reached from the intersection of West Queens Way and High Court Lane.


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