Wabash College Students who Served in the Civil War

~? ~? ~ ~ Roll of Honor ~ ~? ~?

[ Row One ]

~ ~ ~ Major Generals ~ ~ ~

Lewis Wallace ? Edward R. S. Canby ? Joseph J. Reynolds

~ ~ ~ Brigadier Generals ~ ~ ~

John C. Black ? Charles Cruft ? Smith S. Fry ? John P. Hawkins ? William H. Morgan

~ ~ ~ Colonels ~ ~ ~

John W. S. Alexander ? John Coburn ? Thomas Harrison ? Jesse L. Holman ? Samuel C. Vance ? William C. Wilson ? Gustavus A. Wood

~ ~ ~ Lieutenant Colonels ~ ~ ~

Ozro J. Dodds ? Isaac C. Elston ? Samuel Merrill ? Webster T. Mills ? James M. Shanklin ? Chester G. Thomson ? William J. Twining ? Joseph R. Webster

~ ~ ~ Majors ~ ~ ~

Hervey Bates ? Levin T. Miller ? John W. Rabb ? David Shelby ? Charles L. Thomas ? Oliver M. Wilson

~ ~ ~ Captains ~ ~ ~

Abram P. Andrew ? Edwin A. Andrews ? William P. Black ? John J. P. Blinn ? George Bowman ? Robert Branden ? James W. Brown ? Robert E. Bryant ? James R. Carnahan ? W. Bruce Carr ? John F. Caven ? Frederick A. Clark ? John E. Cleland ? John C. Conner ? William B. Curtis ? Wallace L. Dagg ? Charles R. Deminc ? J. Walter Elliott ? Samuel B. Ferguson ? H. Byron Finch ? Horace S. Foote ? Thomas W. Fry ? William H. Gillam ? James Gregory ? Joshua C. Hadley ? Samuel J. Hall ? William S. Harbert ? William P. Herron ? Daniel F. Hill ? George W. Holmes ? John Jackson ? Witter Johnson ? William A. Ketcham ? William S. King ? Edward C. King ? Edward B. Kingsbury ? Mark Kirby ? Edwin R. Lewis ? Samuel Lingerman ? Theodore W. McCoy ? Wallace McCune ? A. A. McDonald ? William M. McKinney ? James H. Meteer

[ Row Two ]

Samuel H. Moore ? Elisha P. Morgan ? Chauncy B. Oakley ? Milton A. Osborne ? James Parke ? John W. Ramsay ? George W. Riley ? Frederick A. Ross ? Clifford W. Ross ? Chauncey Sabin ? D. W. Scouten ? Frederick D. Seward ? Joseph B. Simpson ? Robert B. Spilman ? Marion L. Spitler ? Lewis Stephens ? Thomas J. Stevens ? John T. Taylor ? Edward H. Twining ? James Wilson ? S. McKee Wilson ? Ogden Wood ? Irwin B. Wright

~ ~ ~ Lieutenants ~ ~ ~

Albert W. Adams ? Zephaniah M. Ball ? George W. Bassett ? Henry S. Bassett ? A. Wesley Bill ? Charles T. Boudinot ? Henry Campbell ? George Chapin ? Carey E. Cowgill ? William Coke ? William E. Craig ? Samuel C. Crane ? Samuel L. Ensminger ? James M. Ford ? John S. Grisard ? Edward Groenendyke ? Henry Groenendyke ? Enos C. Hornaday ? Henry C. Johnson ? John L. Ketcham ? Robert A. King ? Theodore Livings ? William H. Lynn ? Edward Mace ? Alfred L. Miller ? Martin J. Miller ? B. Marshall Mills ? Robert B. F. Peirce ? James P. Pratt ? J. David Rabb ? George W. Richardson ? Albert L. Ristine ? Edward B. Sanford ? Volentine H. Stone ? E. Darwin Thomas ? R. Whiteside ? Samuel J. Wilson ? Ward E. Wilson ? Maxwell C. Wood ? Claiborn A. Young

~ ~ ~ Chaplains ~ ~ ~

Archibald C. Allen ? James Bassett ? Charles H. Marshall ? William C. Porter ? Lycurcus Railsback ? George W. Stafford

~ ~ ~ Surgeons ~ ~ ~

John A. Blackwell ? Edward S. Crosier ? Charles W. Davis ? John French ? George W. Jones ? Henry Ristine ? William Spencer ? John M. White ? Charles B. White ? Joseph M. Wishard

[ Row Three ]

~ ~ ~ Noncommissioned Officers and Privates ~ ~ ~

James C. Alexander ? John H. Andrews ? Abner V. Austin ? Lafayette Ball ? Zophar Ball ? George W. Barlow ? Harvey Bassett ? John H. Beach ? Thomas Beard ? Edward Bevan ? James Binford ? Joseph Boley ? James F. Boots ? Benjamin F. Bowman ? Edmond R. Brown ? Michael Brown ? Stephen I. Brown ? Charles T. Bryant ? Henry M. Bryant ? Julian Buffington ? Andrew C. Butner ? Chauncy H. Carr ? John M. Carter ? Henry Chapin ? Lucius P. Chapin ? Richard Clark ? Agustus M. Corey ? Webster Corey ? E. Howard Cowan ? Charles M. Crawford ? James Crawford ? Jerome H. Crouse ? Charles W. Daggy ? Silas Daggy ? Theodore F. Daggy ? Frank Dale ? George W. Deane ? Arthur Deming ? Joseph E. Dewolfe ? William M. Dickey ? Frank L. Douglass ? James R. Dunlap ? George H. Edwards ? John B. Emerson ? Thomas Emerson ? Martin L. Essick ? John F. Farner ? John A. Finch ? Henry B. Flesher ? William S. Fry ? James C. Fullenwider ? James M. Fulwider ? Henry H. Geiger ? William Geiger ? J. R. Gerhart ? John L. Gerrish ? Thomas Gifford ? Howard S. Gillum ? O. B. Glasscock ? James F. Gookins ? John H. Gordon ? Harvey Gray ? Frank A. Greenwood ? Ralph S. Gregory ? Frederick L. Grizzard ? James S. Grizard ? Charles Groenendyke ? Cyrus R. Hadley ? David W. Hartman ? Ransom E. Hawley ? Frank W. Humphrey ? Joseph Ingersol ? Albert C. Jennison ? Henry S. Jennison ? George Johnson ? Howard Kendall ? Edward Kent ? Thomas A. Kirby ? Charles Knapp ? Michael M. Lawson ? Leonidas W. Lemon ? Francis Livings ? William Lockwood

[ Row Four ]

W. N. Logan ? William H. Lowry ? Salmon P. Lusk ? Thomas V. Lyon ? Ira McConnell ? James H. McCulloch ? Theodore F. McMechan ? John E. McPheron ? William Masterton ? Charles T. Mattingly ? Samuel Maxwell ? Arthuer T. Metcalf ? Monroe M. Milford ? Baldwin E. Miller ? Charles H. Miller ? Robert G. Miller ? Eugene R. Mills ? Joshua R. Mitchell ? Samuel Moore ? Charles W. Moores ? Augustus Newell ? Henry N. Ornbaun ? John Ott ? Thomas M. Patterson ? James Patterson ? Charles Pelton ? Henry M. Perry ? John W. Perry ? James W. Post ? Douglas P. Putnam ? William A. Ragan ? Newton L. Ramsay ? J. Edward Rice ? Harley G. Ristine ? Theodore H. Ristine ? George W. Robinson ? Daniel G. Roderic ? A. T. Ross ? John N. Sellers ? Charles H. Seston ? Byron R. Russell ? James B. Shaw ? Horace B. Smith ? William Smith ? Sidney Speed ? James S. Spencer ? Oliver H. Spencer ? Robert Spencer ? Frederick Sperry ? Daniel W. Stearns ? Amos L. Stephenson ? Lyman T. Strother ? Milton Swan ? Jesse N. Talbot ? John T. Talbot ? Alvah Taylor ? S. Findley Thompson ? William H. Thomson ? Arthur P. Twineham ? Holman A. Vaile ? Harvey Vance ? M. B. Vancleave ? Ross J. Vicus ? Henry Wasson ? Mathew Whiteford ? Columbus D. Whitehead ? Davis S. Whitenack ? Morris L. Whiteside ? Lane Willson ? Edward Wolfe ? William J. M. Wolfe ? William Wolverton ? E. R. Woodrow ? John M. Wright ? G. T. Young

~? ~? Wabash College Students ~? ~?

~? ~? ~ ~ ~ who served in the ~ ~ ~? ~?

~? ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ Civil War ~ ~ ~ ~ ~? ~?

Marker is on South Grant Avenue south of West Wabash Avenue, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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