Wagener Memorial Monument


In Honor and Memory of Heroes of Wagener Past and Present

Seals of: United States Army; United States Marine Corps; United States Navy; United States Air Force; United States Coast Guard; POW * MIA

On Top

Blue Star Memorial

A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America

Sponsored by Wagener Garden Club


Seals of: Wagener Chief Police Department; District 16 Fire & Rescue; Medical; Wagener, SC Police

For Things in General

Dear God in heaven, somewhere up there.

I humbly beg you hear this prayer.

Hear me Lord and understand, its not just me it’s every man.

Give us strength to do this task,

Don’t let us fail, that’s all we ask.

When we are sliding off the track reach down Dear God and bring us back.

We realize you pave the way for each advance we make each day.

There’s something else that I might add,

Sort of look out for Mother and Dad.

Thank you DEAR God,

Thank you again, not just for me but every man.

Daniel David Jeffcoat

Marker is on Railroad Avenue East, in the median.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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