Warrick County Desert Storm Veterans Memorial

On this 27th day of February, 1992 the citizens of Warrick Co. Dedicate this monument to the Men and Women from our county who served in the United States Armed Forces in Operation Desert Shield / Storm and all military personel involved in the cause of the liberation of Kuwait. This monument is dedicated as a small token of our appreciation for their bravery, sacrifices, and their indelible spirit.

Operation Desert Storm

January 16, 1991 to February 27, 1991

Nine Hoosiers gave the full measure

of devotion in this war.

God Bless the Veterans of

The United States of America

This monument and time capsule presented by the

Warrick County M.A.S.H. Support Group

Marker is on South 3rd Street south of East Main Street, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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