Washington County Civil War Monument

This monument

is presented by

Dr. Erskine G. Clark

to the Village of

Sandy HillDedicated to the honor and patriotism of the soldiers of Washington County who served in our war to suppress the southern rebellion of 1861, waged against the life of the nation.---------------

Dedicated June 30, 1887

[ Left Marker : ]


In recognition

of whose


to our country

this tablet

is placed

in the park

where he

was welcomed

June 1825


Jane McCrea Chapter



[ Right Marker : ]

Men of

Kingsbury who

gave their lives in

the World War 1917 – 1918

Faithful unto Death


Frank Beaulac • Leon J. Beaulac • Edward V. Beaumont • Harry J. Billetdoux • Vernon W. Blanchard • James P. Davis • Francis L. Duggan • Clarence Foster • George H. French • Edgar Luyster Fursman • Thomas A. Jones • Dewey F. La Belle • Louis H. La Farr • Roland J. Mayotte • Leonard W. Mayrand • Thomas Arthur Mc Gee • Allen Scott Norton • Clarence J. Orr • Joseph Paul Pouliotte • Irving Schermerhorn • Frank Seeley • Cameron Rupert Steele • Frank Van Dusen • Francis L. Van Heusen

A.D. – 1921

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. 4), on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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