Washington Crossing the Delaware

(On the back of the pedestal):

This statue which was carved in Italy, and was first exhibited at the Centennial Exposition was purchased and presented to the city by the Mayor, the Common Council and other officials of the City of Trenton, in the year 1889

(On the front of the pedestal):

This pedestal was erected by the Jr.O.U.A.M. and presented to the City of Trenton, October 18th 1892.

(On the left side front of the pedestal):

Accepted by his honor, Daniel J. Bechtel, Mayor of the City of Trenton, on behalf of the city and the park commission.”

"Park Commissioners, W. Holt Apgar, President. John J. Cleary, Henry F. Smith, Jonathan Coxon Sr., Charles J. Woerner.

(On the right side of the pedestal):

Enterprise Council No. 6 •

Mercer Council No. 50 •

Commodore Perry Council No. 80 •

Nathan Hale Council No. 89 •

Trenton Council No. 90 •

Century Council No. 100

Marker is on South Montgomery Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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