Washington’s General Orders

Washington’s General Orders

given at Cambridge, July 4, 1775

“The Continental Congress

having taken all the troops

of the several Colonies,

which have been raised,

or which may be hereafter raised

for the support and defence

of the Liberties of America;

into their pay and service.

They are now the Troops of

the United Provinces of North America;

and it is hoped that

all distinctions of Colonies

will be laid aside;

so that one and the same Spirit

may animate the whole

and the only contest be

who shall render

on this great and trying occasion

the most essential service

to the Great and Common Cause

in which we are all engaged.”

Back of Marker:

General George Washington

having taken command of

the Army of the United Colonies

at Cambridge

inspects the troops near this spot

on the fourth day of July 1775

Marker is on Garden Street, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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