Watts Mills' World War II Veterans Memorial

Top Plaque:

Watts Mills' employees

who gave their lives

in World War II

Rumsley Thompson Bennett   Chester Calvin Miller

Joe Edward Carlton                   Rex Darvin Power

Tommy Cogdill                          Luther Prather

John Elmer Davis                      Robert Lee Putman

James Byron Gray                      Allen Rhodes

Alvin Ludie Hazle                   Ryan Telford Satterwhite

Ernest Geter Hewitt, Jr.            Samuel Hasting Stewart

Herman Alsie Madden                James Bruce Tolleson

James Charles Turner

Lower Plaque:

We pay honor to the

402 Watts Mills' Employees

who answered the call

to the colors

Marker is at the intersection of East Public Square and East Laurens Street on East Public Square.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: