Webb City Veterans Memorial

Pause and Pray


to those of this

Central District who

served in the Armed

Forces that we may

keep forever bright

the memory of their

glorious part in the

struggle "to defend

life, liberty and the

pursuit of happiness"

Permanent service records

of each veteran on file

in the Webb City

Public Library

"Soldier, rest,

Thy warfare o'er

Dream of fighting

days no more"

Spanish-American War


John M. Vaughn

World War I

1914 - 1918

Frederick O. Bright • Elmer Charboneau

David S. Coffee • Henry Lewis Collier

Frank Cunningham • Lloyd E. Darragh

John E. DeWitt • Alfred Fones

Carl Elet Gordon • Claude Kessler

William C. Mayfield • Clarence McCullough

Jasper M. Newton • Darris S. Schalk

John A. Sprouse • William E. Turner

John A. Wilbourn • James W. Willoughby

Charles C. Worth

World War II

1939 - 1945

James R. Arnold • Walter L. Buchanan

George Calloway • Buss Crider

Donald Damer • Eugene V. Daniels

Fred S. Danner • Lowell Dean

Fred Downs • Leonard Duncan

Clyde W. Elliot Jr. • N. L. Fabion

Jack M. Fisher • Paul Fullerton

Frank E. Galardo • Randolph Gibson

Robert Gilbert • Melvin Glaze

Carl Grantham • Edgar Hallar

Otto Hayward • Elroy Hulett

Jack James • Billie Krouse

Olen R. Long • Lloyd Mahurin

James Mallos • William D. Manes

Vangil Marsh • Leon Martin

L. G. McCoy • Jack Moffet

R. O. Murdock • Leonard Norman

Earl Packer • Ovie J. Pritchett

Leonard W. Ray • Melvin Roath

Pat Russell • Lionel Stines

Elliot Stone • William Stone

Francis Swindle • Cecil Tiberghien

Robert G. Tudor • Claude Turner

Harold G. Vailes • W. L. Whitelock

Clyde A. Wilson • Lloyd Wood

Korean War

1950 - 1953

Charles R. Landon • William M. Long

Donald D. Younger

Vietnam War

1961 - 1975

A. J. Bottom • Richard Carver

Julian McKee • Robert A. Powell

When you go home

tell them of us...

and say for your tomorrow

we gave our today

Rededicated November 2007

Marker is at the intersection of West Daugherty Street and Ball Avenue, on the right when traveling west on West Daugherty Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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