Webster County

This county, created by Act of the Legislature December 16, 1853, was originally named Kinchafoonee. It was organized in 1854 at which time Preston was chartered. An Act of February 21, 1856, changed the name to Webster in honor of Daniel Webster, New England orator and statesman. Among the first Kinchafoonee County Officers in 1854 were: Sheriff Carey T. Cox, Clerk of Superior Court James G. Hall, Clerk of Inferior Court John D. King, Ordinary E. B. Swiney, Surveyor Jno. McCain and Coroner James R. Moore. The first Webster County Officers included: Sheriff John P. Beaty, Clerk of Superior Court James G. M. Ball, Clerk of Inferior Court Wm. R. Redding, Ordinary David G. Rogers, Tax Receiver Eben E. Little, Tax Collector Alexander Winzor, Surveyor John McCain, Coroner John D. Jones and Commissioners George M. Hay, John W. Easters, William H. Hallen, Henry W. Spears and James G. M. Ball.

Marker is on Hamilton Street (U.S. 280).

Courtesy hmdb.org

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