West Virginia Home Guards

[East Side]

Montani Semper Liberi

Dedicated to the hallowed memories of the brave men and devoted women who saved West Virginia to the Union.

Presented to the state and people of West Virginia through the instrumentalities of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Women's Relief Corps by a private citizen.

[West Side]

Erected to commemorate the valor of those who on April 15, 1861. In instant response to the first call of Abraham Lincoln formed themselves into the intrepid Home Guards who held in check unaided the forces of Wise, and Lee, and Jackson, until the Federal armies came and driving the Confederates across the Alleghenies made possible the creation of the State of West Virginia; and also of those who as incomparable scouts & riflemen gave themselves to the nation and with dauntless courage and sagacity assisted in assuring to mankind "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth".

Marker is at the intersection of California Avenue and Washington Street, on the left when traveling north on California Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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