Western Cemetery

This cemetery contains the remains of local Confederate soldiers and officials, including Dr. Thomas Y. Henry, the grandson of Revolutionary War patriot Patrick Henry, a delegate to the Florida

Secession Convention and the Director of Confederate Medical Services forWest Florida.

Also buried here is Edward C. Love, who was a delegate to the Florida Secession Convention and one of five commissioners (the most prominent being David Levy Yulee) appointed by Acting Governor Allison to negotiate with Federal authorities on behalf of

Florida at the end of the war.

Among the Confederate veterans buried here is William T. Stockton, a lieutenant colonel in the 1st Florida Cavalry. Stockton was captured at the 1863 Battle of Missionary Ridge in Tennessee and spent the remainder of the war as a Union prisoner of war at Johnson's Island in Ohio until his release in August 1865.

Information Provided by the Florida Department of State.