Western Star Lodge No. 2

Oldest Chartered Masonic Lodge in California

Free and Accepted Masons

Originally chartered by the most worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri, A F and A M

May 10th AL5848 (1848)

Dedicated in due and ancient form this 10th day of May AL5998 (1998) by the most worshipful Grand Lodge of California F & AM

Anthony P. Wordlow – Grand Master

1998 Western Star Lodge No. 2

Patrick R. Casady – Master

John R. Murry – Senior Warden

Ronald L. Craddock – Junior Warden


150 years of Masonry in California

Donated by Redding Cemetery

Marker is on Highway 299 near Mackley Alley, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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