Weston Vietnam War & Persian Gulf War Monument

[North side]

Vietnam Era Veterans 1963 – 1974

V Christopher O"Brien Ashe • Dana Graham Brayton • Timothy Gustav Bucky • William Charles Cable • John Walter Carpenter • John Paul Coniglio • V Peter Alan Cote • V Arthur Thomas Curren, Jr. • Katherine Nadith Dannerman • Bruno Ivo-Elio De Luca • Giuliano De Luca • To Todd De Van • V Sidney Allan Dudash • John Albert Erisman • V Peter Jerry Falla • Robert Leslie Ficks III • Frank Kenneth Fitch, Jr. • Mark Lauren Flinton • V Andrew Benjamin Florence • V John Bliss Foley • V Laurence Albin Frisk • Donald Gallo • V James Severance Gavitt • Steven Joseph Gjuresko • V David Jeffrey Guidera • Frederick Andrew Guidera • Thomas John Guidera • V Robert Hugh Hannam, Jr. • V John Louis Markabus • V Paul Edward Hauser • V Tod Hazen • Howard Francis Hennessey II • Kurt Hardie Hoelter • V James Holzhausen • V Albert Anthony Hyde • V Edwin Ballou Keeler, Jr. • Paul William Keene • Patrick Mark Kinney • V James Lowry Kohler • Gregory Carl Laughlin • Darryl Evan Lee • V Roy Allen Lockwood • Ronald Innes Mac Farlane • Robert Joseph McCarthy • Shepard Keith McSpadden II • John George Meddick • V Robert James Meddick • Lewis Irving Merritt • V John Francis Murray III • V Michael George Nicholas Nicoley • V Anthony Palazzo • Robert Walter Parks • James Bartlett Paull • Peter Leonard Paull, Jr. • Lars Allen Pearson • Kevin Edward Perkins • V Edward Evan Reynolds, Jr. • V Christopher Halsey Rogalin • Timothy Jon Rosendahl • David Walter Samuelson • Eric Clinton Samuelson, Jr. • Ernest Paul Samuelson • Gary Erwin Samuelson • David Walter Siegfried • V Owen Chabot Smith • V Peter Alan Sontheimer • Donna Earlene Spratt • James E. Steele • V Richard E. Stephenson • David Edward Studwell • V Benjamin Valieant Treadwell • William Francis Treadwell • Dennis Michael Trusewicz • David Damon Van Vliet • William Perley Walden • V Kevin Sloane Walker • V Donald Alford Weadon, Jr.

V Denotes Service In Vietnam / Holder Of Vietnam Service Medal

[ south side ]

Persian Gulf War 1990 - 91

Matthew Morelli • Robert Bradford • George C. Odden • Cornell P. French • Douglas Wildenberg • Joseph Cina • James S. Caminiti • Richard E. Stephenson • M. Abigail Mccormick • Ernest C. Albin III • William H. Anderson • Gary Owens • Jason K. Sala • Kevin Mcintyre • Edward Harper • Peter H. Sorensen

[ west side ]


James Attwood Brennan (V) • Howard L. Burling II (K) • Henry A. Colby (K) • Everett B. Flodeen (K) • Harold Keene Jr. (V) • Earl E. Moore Jr. (V) • Francis B. Coley (WWI) • Arvid Johnson (WWI) * • Emery R. Bowles (PGW) • Daniel S. Garrett (PGW) • James R. Palmer (V) • Robert M. Erisman (V) • Earl D. Forrester (PGW) • Franklin C. Reeves, Jr. – WWII • Stephen W. Dunn – V • Barry Pearson (V) • Karl Roemer Jr. (V) • Robert Charles Samuelson (K) • Warren Michael Schur (V) • Richard L. Sigmund (V) • Gayle Crosby Smith (K) • Robert Studwell III (V) • Carl L. Sundlof (K) • Russell T. Sundlof (K) • Michael A. Willets (V)

Marker is on Norfield Road 0.1 miles east of Weston Road (Route 57), on the left when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: