White House Bridge

Critical Crossing

On May 21, 1862. Confederate Gen. Thomas J.

“Stonewall” Jackson’s Valley Army plodded north

along this road to threaten Front Royal and out

flank Union Gen. Nathaniel Bank’s position at Strasburg. With the addition of Gen. Richard S.

Ewell’s division, Jackson’s command numbered

nearly 17,000 men and 50 guns. Philip Kauffman,

a young man at the time, remembered the Confederates as they crossed the Shenandoah River

on the White House Bridge and: “...Stonewall

himself as he ran the gauntlet, with bared head,

through the marching columns of his ‘foot cavalry.’

His faded gray uniform with stars on the collar,

his black beard and uncovered head, as he loped

by the White House on Old Sorrel, are as fresh

in my mind as on that day.”

Jackson’s Valley Army reached Front Royal

May 23. There, aided by spy Belle Boyd, it overwhelmed Banks’ 1,000-man detachment and

continued toward Winchester to attack the main

Union army, now in full retreat from Strasburg.

Jackson’s success was complete. He had defeated

and driven Banks from the Valley and alarmed

the Lincoln administration. In response to Jackson’s bold moves, a two-pronged Federal advance

was to converge at Strasburg in an attempt to

cut off Jackson’s line of withdrawal south.

Jackson marched south to escape. Two

Federal columns followed in close pursuit—Gen.

John C. Fremont on the Valley Pike and Gen.

James Shields in the Page Valley. If Shields could

march quickly enough to overtake Jackson's force

in the main Valley. he and Fremont could unite

and attack with a superior force. To prevent this

combination, Jackson ordered his cavalry commander, Turner Ashby, to destroy both the White

House and Columbia bridges. Ashby dispatched

Capt. Samuel Coyner’s Page County Company

which rode through “one of the most dreadful

thunderstorms” in time to burn the White House

Bridge at 4 a.m. on June 2—only one hour before

Shields’ advance guard reached the swollen river.

Shields, delayed for three days by the rising river,

was forced to abandon his plan to join Fremont

at New Market. Jackson defeated Fremont’s and

Shields’ commands separately at Cross Keys and

Port Republic June 8-9.

White House Bridge takes its name from

the small building immediately north of the

present-day bridge. This early structure was the

first home of pioneer Martin Kauffman. For a time

it served as a meeting house where, as a minister,

Kauffman served a Mennonite congregation.

Marker is on U.S. 211 west of the U.S. Route 380 South turnoff, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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