William Green

March 3, 1870 – November 21, 1952. William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 until his death, 1852, began his amazing and strenuous climb to the top run of labor's ladder at age 16, in the Morgan Run Coal Mines in Coshocton County.

Born in Coshocton County to parents of English descent, Hugh and Jane Oram Green, he learned their devout Baptist faith. Educated in a one room school house, he studied by coal oil lamp at night and was an avid reader all his life. Married Jeannie Mobley, a Coshocton native on 14 April 1892. They were the parents of six children.

Held his first union office in Local 379 at 18; then, President of Sub-district 6; President of District 6, which included Ohio; Secretary-Treasurer, the United Mine Workers of America; finally, President of the American Federation of Labor.

Member of the Ohio Senate, 1910–1914; author, Workman's Compensation Law of Ohio. Member of the Peace Treaty Commission after World War I, the Board of International Labor Organization, Advisory Council to Commission on Economic Security, and American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Author, Labor and Democracy. Recipient, honorary degrees: Doctor of Industrial Science, Oglethorpe University and Doctor of Law, Kenyon College.

Active Baptist layman; dedicated American; a leader in drive for public education; awarded gold medal for distinguished service in promotion of Industrial Peace by the Roosevelt Memorial Association; received Award of Merit for Secretary of War Robert Patterson for leadership of American workers during World War II; awarded Certificate for Distinguished Service, National Foundation The March of Dimes.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Main Street and 4th Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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