William "Yank" Hazelton

1824 -1906

"Yank" Hazelton, son of Joseph, a blacksmith, and Sophia Cleveland, was born in Coeyman, N.Y., in 1824. He emigrated to California through San Diego in 1853. He settled on this site and homesteaded this land in November, 1857, with his wife of 2 months, Mary Jane, daughter of Henry and Delilah (Miller) Akers. In 1861, Yank went to Mexico on one of his last cattle buying trips. He brought back some oranges, in his saddlebags, as a surprise for his family. Mary Jane planted the seeds from these oranges from which grew the trees that started the first orange orchard in Fresno County. Yank, Mary Jane and four of their children are buried here on the homestead. The Hazelton orange business is continued today by Yank's Great-Great Grandson, Douglas Hazelton and his children.

Jim Savage Chapter 1852

E Clampus Vitus

Dedicated September 30, 1995

Marker is on Trimmer Springs Road near East Belmont Road, on the left when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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