Wilmington Veterans Monument

Roll of Honor

Dedicated to Those Who Offered

Their Lives in Humanity’s Defense in

The War of the Nations 1914 – 1918

And in Memory of Those Indicated

Here by Gold Stars, Who Gave Their

* Last Full Measure of Devotion *

Charles E. Allen • Harold G. Allen • Giovanni B. Barufaldi • Peter Barufaldi • Fred Bass • Glenn W. Bassett • John Burtasket • Arthur F. Blaine • * Ernest Boyd • Hiram N. Boyd • Oscar B. Carter • Nick Cassone • Earle E. Colby • Lyndon L. Colby • George V. Corson • Harry E. Covey • Giocomo Cozzaglio • Harold W. Crosier S.A.T.C. • Joe Covelski • Guiseppe Delaini • Allen Doucette • Joseph Edwards • Herbert L. Fowle • Howard S. Farrington • Costanzo Formica • Marcus F. Gorham • Merrill K. Greene • Leslie E. Greene • Clinton M. Hall • Percy W. Haskins • Albert Hogue • Rufus C. Horton • Paul D. Jones • Philip F. Jones S.A.T.C. • Robert D. Johnson S.A.T.C. • Oscar Johnson • Ralph Kirkwood • Rosario Larizza • Chester M. Lavanaway • Joseph F. Lewis • Charles Luther • Julian Laveroski • Albert Little • Harry Leno • Mike Marshall • Ernest May • Patrick G. McCall • Harry W. McGowan • Ralph D. Medbury • Carmelo Minitti • * Harry D. Nelson • Lawrence W. Nelson • Guy E. Nido • Otto Nelson • Albert M. Pierigh • Harold G. Peebles • * Nelson E. Pickwell • Frederick J. Robare • Philip Roberge • Dexter H. Round • Ernest St. Pierre • Harry J. Smith • Eugene R. Sullivan • Guiseppe Superchi • Fred Simmons • Alpheus E. Shaw • Louis Tucci • Daniel Titcomb • Ralph B. Titus S.A.T.C. • Frank L. Titus • Lorenzo Tiani • Glenn E. Thomas • Fayette S. Vose • Horace A. Ware • Paul Waskey • Henry Wilcox • Peter Wimmelmann • Leon A. Wheeler • Horace G. Whidden


Leland L. Andrews • Byron N. Barlow • Archie Case • M. Newton Cuneo • Pliny G. Crafts • Joseph P. Gilbert • Karl P. Haskell • Ray C. Hicks • Walter B. Johnson • Peter H. McCarthey • * Lee W. Wheeler • Leo C. Wilder • Paul Whitman • Leonard Wallace

• Heroes of the Civil War •

Elliot Adams • Lucius Adams • Albert A. Allard • Edwin R. Allard • Albert Allen • David S. Ballou • William M. Ballou • Hardy G. Barber • James M. Bassett • Nelson Bellows • Charles G. Bemis • Julius Bordo • Charles S. Bowker • Charles S. Boyd • William H. Brown • Alfred S. Bugbee • Amasa W. Burt, Jr. • Dana P. Chandler • Asaph P. Childs • Brainard R. Childs • Jacob Clapper • Francis B.J. Clifford • George A. Coburn • Asa E. Converse • George C. Cooley • George Crawford • Albert L. Crosier • Harland P. Gudworth • Charles W. Cummings • Leonard H. Cummings • Daniel F. Cutting • George W. Davenport • Arthur C. Davis • Oliver Davis • Lysander Dennison • Joseph Zeddeo • David Dibble • James R. Dickinson • Henry F. Dix • John F. Dix • George R. Dodge • Joseph M. Edson • Henry O. Estabrook • Samuel S. Estabrook • Sidney J. Estabrook • George W. Farnham • John W. Farnham • Luther Flanders • Charles F. Fox • Martin L. Fox • Moses D. Fox • George W. French • Solomon Gates • Miron Gray • George H. Grimes • Milton C. Handy • Rollin E. Harris • George D. Harvey • Charles C. Haskell • Ephriam Haskell • Newland M. Haskell • Newell F.Haynes • John M. Holland • Frank A. Howell • Linus G. Hubbard • John W. Ingerson • Albert M. Johnson • Lewis H. Lamb • Cyron B. Lawton • Charles P. Leonard • Warren W. Mann • William R. Matthews • Warren E. May • Cyrus Partridge • William R. Peck • Ahaz Pike • Andrew J. Pike • Otis Pike • Michael Powers • Francis E. Ray • Cyren O. Rice • George A. Rice • Thomas Richardson • George Rose • Chandler M. Russell • Willard Russell • Henry D. Searles • John C. Sears • James H. Shippee • Leander L. Shippee • Sylvester D. Smith • Walter W. Smith • Francis W. Stearns • Clark P. Stone • Jason A. Stone • Mason A. Stone • Henry J. Stone • Timothy Sullivan • Lucius Swan • Elmer J. Titus • John H. Tooley • Andrew J. Vose • Henry W. Walker • Henry C. Ware • Jonas P. Ware • Loami A. Ware • Austin H.R. Watson • Chandler F. Wellman • Henry A. Wellman • John Welch • Stephen M. White • Danforth J. Whiting • Charles Willis • Stephen B. Wing

• Revolutionary War •

The following persons, then residents of Wilmington, are

Mentioned in General Stark’s official report as being in

Col. William Williams’ regiment at the Battle of Bennington

Asher Alvord • Gao Alvord • Caleb Baldwin • Adnah Bangs • Jedidiah Bassett • Charles Bellows • Abram Boyd • Robert Boyd • Samuel Bridge • Calvin Bill • John Buck • Moses Buck • Samuel Buell • Roger Burchards • Lieut. Timothy Castle • Henry Chandler • Simeon Chandler • Jonathan Childs • Joseph Cook • Jesse Cook • Robert Cook • Barnabas Cushman • Daniel Cutting • Daniel Dickinson • Ozias Dix • Elijah Easton • Warren Esterbrooks • Jesse Fitch • John Fitch • James Flagg • Josiah Flagg • Stephen Forbes • Stephen Foster • Theophilas Foster • Nathan Fox • Watson Freeman • John Gibbs • Andrew Haskell • Thomas Haskell • William Haskell • Jonathan Hastings • Asa Havens • Abraham Haynes • Capt. Jonas Haynes • Reuben Haynes • David Jillson • Jonathan Johnson • Jonathan Lamb • Isreal Lawton • Jonah Lincoln • David Livermore • John Marks • Benjamin Metcalf • Isaac Miller • Capt. Judah Moore • Jesse Mooseman • Reuben Morgan • Samuel Murdock • Joseph Nye • Levi Packard • Dr. Jeremiah Parmalee • Calvin Perry • Daniel Rice • James Smith • Medad Smith • Daniel Stearns • Josiah • Reuben Stearns • Jesse Swift • Ephriam Titus • Samuel Thompson • Col. William Williams • Jeremiah Wheeler • Barni Wing • Jonathan Witt

Dedicated 1924

Marker is at the intersection of South Main Street and Beaver Street, on the left when traveling south on South Main Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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