Wilson's Brigade

Walker's Division - - Hardee's Corps.

Wilson's Brigade.

Walker's Division - - Hardee's Corps.

Col. J. Cooper Nisbet.

25th Georgia - - Capt. A.H. Smith.

29th Georgia - - Capt. Jno. Turner.

30th Georgia - - Col. Joseph A. Boynton.

66th Georgia - - Lt. Col. A.H. Hamilton.

1st Batt'n. Georgia, S.S. Capt. Ben Hardee.

26th Georgia Batt'n. - - Maj. Jno. W. Nisbet.

Nov. 25, 1863.

This Brigade, with its Division, had occupied the entrenchments from Chattanooga Creek westward to the foot of Lookout Mountain from Nov. 14th to the 23d. On the afternoon of the latter day Walker's Division was ordered to the right and posted on the summit of Missionary Ridge, Wilson's Brigade being on the right, Gist's in the center, and Maney's on the left. These were the first troops to occupy Missionary ridge. The lines of Bragg's army having previously been established at the foot of the Ridge east of Chattanooga, and across the plain to Lookout Mountain south of it. This movement of Walker's Division was caused by the Union advance upon the Orchard Knob line, and was held there as an observing force against any attempt to turn the right. During the engagement of the 25th at Tunnel Hill Wilson's Brigade was not attacked in front. Its artillery was in action, rendering material service, and its lines were at times subjected to a long range skirmish fire. It withdrew in order after dark, following the troops about Tunnel Hill.

Marker is on North Crest Road north of North Crest Court Street, on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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