Windham's Pharmacy (tour stop 7)

Late in the evening of Friday, January 30, 1931, Windham's Pharmacy was the first place that Gretchen Gregory stopped with gunshot victim Henry Moore. You might be thinking, “if I’m transporting a gunshot victim, I’m not stopping at a Minute Clinic.” Keep in mind Gretchen worked at another pharmacy in town, White’s Pharmacy; in fact that’s where she first met Henry. So Gretchen probably trusted pharmacists. It was also the first place she came to.

You might ask yourself, how was a pharmacy at 1300 East Gadsen the first place Gretchen came to if she was coming from Scenic Highway. Gadsen’s tucked away in a residential neighborhood. You’re right. In 2017, it is residential. But in 1931, the bridge spanning Bayou Texar as at Gadsen, not Cervantes, meaning Gadsen was the main thoroughfare linking downtown Pensacola and East Pensacola Heights. Anyway, Windham’s Pharmacy was closed so Gretchen next headed for the Pensacola Hospital on 12th Avenue.

Credits and Sources:

UWF Mistory Project