Winterset Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the memory of the

following men who gave the supreme

sacrifice in the defence of their country

World War II

Dale E. Bell • Harold Bloomquist • Edward Briggie • Edward Butcher • Ross Chickering • George Clark • Scott Cole • Frederick Cooper • Floyd Craven • Russell Davis • Wilbert Dodd • William Edwards • Norman Felton • Harold Flaugh • John W. Garner • Edwin Henry • Eugene Holmes • Lloyd Hudson • Ben Kiddoo Jr. • Kenneth Kinney • Glen Leech • John Limnane Jr. • Robert Lowe • Clyde Lull • Floyd McLarnand • J. Dean Martin • Morris Patty • George Robshaw • Dale Schoonoyer • Vernon Simmons • Harold Smith • John Smith • Bllly Stewart • Aaron Stump • Ted Tucker • Rex Wade • Merl Welty • Wernald Wetrich • Hugh E. Wright


Robert Enright • James A. Harrell • Howard James • Virgil B. Lienemann • Wayne E. Martens


Clayton Adams • Gene Adams • Charles W. Bass • James D. Camp • Barton Carey • Richard Dixon • Randall Farlow • Don Harrell • Roger Thompson


Charles Bartholomew • Don R. Harser • John McClurg • Robert C. Smith

Marker is on East Summit Street south of South 4th Street, on the right when traveling east.


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