Wood's & Newton's Divs. at Peachtree Creek

July 19, 1864. Wood’s & Newton’s 4th A.C. divs. moving S. from Buckhead to effect crossings at Peachtree Cr. found the bridge burned. Wood improvised one & crossed two brigades which, after a sharp contest with Hardee’s troops [CS], drove them to the high ground southward.

Wood held the bridge-head S. of the creek until relieved at dark by Newton’s div. which moved forward the next day to the battlefield of Peachtree Creek near Collier Rd.

Wood’s div. camped -- night of July 19 -- at Buckhead & the next morning it followed Stanley’s route to join Schofield at Pea Vine Cr.

Marker is at the intersection of Peachtree Road NW (U.S. 19) and Fairhaven Circle NE, on the right when traveling north on Peachtree Road NW.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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