World War II Memorial

1939 - 1945

To the Glory of God

and the memory of our

Immortal Dead

Howard Mallock • Lawson Searles

Those who served our King and Country

Alison Alexander • Ronald Anthony • Wesley Anthony • George Babcock • Lydie Brown • Manning Brown • Raye Brown • Whitney Brown • Alexander Calder • Emerson Calder • Hilton Calder • Ryder Cline • Durrell Fitzgerald • Herbert Fitzsimmons • John Fitzsimmons • Clayton Fletcher • William Galley • Stanley Henderson • Andrew Hooper • Calvin Mallock • Elwood Mallock • Grover Mallock • Lawrence Mallock • Ralph Mallock • Ralph I Mallock • Theodore Mallock • Herbert Matthews • Raymond Matthews • Judson Mitchell • Allison Newman • Amos Newman • Cleveland Newman • Clifford Newman • Edward Newman • Raymond Newman • Ruth Newman • Winslow Newman • William Rhinnie • Myron Porter • Donald Savage • Ethelbert Savage • Vernon Savage • Melvin Searles • James Vennell

Marker is on New Brunswick Route 774, on the right when traveling north.


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