World War II Memorial


[ Upper Section ]

They lived to bear their Country’s

arms and died to save it’s Honor.

Sgt Charles W. Snider • 11-4-43

Pfc Lester J. Beyl • 1-31-44

S/Sgt William J. Summers, AAF • 3-8-44

Sgt Kenneth N. Broady • 7-1-44

Sgt Kenneth Jarrell, Jr., USMC • 7-8-44

Pvt Norman R. Langford • 7-26-44

Pfc Arthur H. Cortner, Jr. • 9-14-44

Sm2 Harold E. Guernsey, USN • 10-21-44

Cpl Arthur E. Trout, AAF • 1-10-45

Pvt Loren Elliott • 1-29-45

Pfc Woodrow W. Butler, Sr. • 2-4-45

Pfc Louis R. Dismore • 2-28-45

2Lt George M. Miller, AAF • 4-5-45

Pvt Earl Prather, Jr. • 10-1-45

[ Lower Section ]

Dedicated July 4, 1994 to the Veterans of World War II from this community who so gallantly placed their lives upon the altar of man’s freedom.

Marker is on North New Albany Avenue north of East Utica Street, on the left when traveling north.


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