World War II Monument and Memorial

1941 WWII 1946

A Tribute

to give our military veterans

the honor and respect due them

They hit the line and they hit it hard

They ran the ends of fame

They passed and kicked to distant goals

When they starred in competitive games

But when they heard the bugles of war that called

To a much rougher and tougher test

And now they sleep under foreign sods

The stars who have earned their rest

They played the game the good old way

That led the bayonets thrust

They carried the charge to the final goal

Which covers their golden dust

* * * * * * * * * *

Along the walls are the names of men and women,

from this area; who served in the armed forces and

risk their lives in our behalf during WWII.

On bronze plaques are the names of those we remember;

that served and gave their lives for us.

* * * * * * * * * *

Plaques Attached to Flag Poles

Bert Clayton Conner

WWII: Army Air Force

POW--Germany 1944-1945

(By wife, Jeannie; daughter, Cheryl Provus)

David C. Hook, Sr.


US Navy

Ben R. Moye

WWII: US Army Air Force

B-C High Coach 1950-1958

Ernest P. Jovanelly


US Army

Roy Redd Garvin

WWII: Merchant Marines

Thomas H. Newman, Jr.

WWII: US Marine

Coach B-C High School 1949-1956

Marker is on State Road (South Carolina Route 2) south of Indigo Avenue, on the right when traveling south.


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