World War II Submarine Lost Boat Memorial

Still On Patrol

–– • ––

U.S. Navy Submarines

paid heavily for

their success in

World War II.

A total of

374 Officers and

3131 men are on

board these 52

U.S. Submarines

still on "patrol."

(left column names)

Albacore •  Amberjack •  Argonaut •  Barbel •  Bonefish  • 

Bullhead •  Capelin •  Cisco •  Corvina •  Darter •  Dorado  • 

Escolar •  Flier •  Golet •  Grampus •  Grayback •  Grayling • 

Grenadier •  Growler •  Grunion •  Gudgeon •  Harder • 

Herring •  Kete •  Lagarto •  Perch • 

( Right column names)

Pickerel •  Pompano •  Robalo •  Runner •  R-12 •  Scamp • 

Scorpion •  Sculpin •  Sealion •  Seawolf •  Shark I • 

Shark II •  Snook •  S-26 •  S-27 •  S-28 •  S-36 •  S-39 •  S-44 • 

Tang •  Trigger •  Triton •  Trout •  Tulibee •  Wahoo • 

We shall never forget that it was our submarines

that held the lines against the enemy while our

fleets replaced losses and repaired wounds.

Fleet Admiral C.W. Nimitz, U.S.N.

I can assure you that they went down fighting and

that their brothers who survived them took a

grim toll of our savage enemy to avenge their deaths.

Vice Admiral C.A. Lookwood, Jr., U.S.N.

Commander Submarine Force 1943-1946

(Lower plaque)

U.S.S. Amberjack (SS 219)

(Lower Plaque)


John Archibald Bole, Jr.

( Left column )

Name      Rate

Allmon, M.W.      Momm1•  Baker, W.A., Jr.       RM3 •  

Bannister, P.S.     Momm2 • Barr, L.V.     F1 •    

Bartoli, R.(n)     S1 •  Blauvelt, R.P.      LT •  

Bole, J.A., Jr.      LCDR •  Bolze, J.F.      FC1 •

Brant, H.J.      SC2 •  Brossy, H.E.      LCDR •

Brousseau, M.J.      SC2 •  Buchan, W.N.      EM1 •

Cacciato,D.,Jr.(n)      TM3 •  Caldwell, L.J.D.      SD2 •

Chaffin, E.E.     F2 •  Cheney, J.F.      LT •

Clark, B.L.     TM1 •  Coleman, J.L.     GM2 •

Coultas, W.E.     Momm2 • Davis, E.S.

Davis, L.C.      EM3 • De Groot, J. (n)     F2 •  

Demler, A.M.     ENS •  Ducharme, D. ((n)      QM3 •

Eastman,A.G.H.     TM2 •  Everett, E.J.     RT1 •  

Gillard, G.H. Jr     F3 •  Gosciniak, T. (n)     Momm2 •

Hamilton, J.W.     Momm2 • Henderson, L.G.      EM2 •

Hiatt, D.L.      EM3 • Hill, W.M.O.    F2 •  

Jackson, V.T.     Momm2 • James, H.E.      EM2 •

Jeter, W.L.      SM3 • Jewell, T.E.      CSM •

( Right column )

Name      Rate

Kingston, F.P.     Momm2 • Koreyva, V.J.     Momm1 •

Lester, R.L.     S2 •  Levesque, R.A.      EM2 •

Lewellyn, J.E.     ENS •  Lord, H.S.,Jr      LTJG •

Lucas, J.B.,Jr     Momm2 • Macy, M.R.      RM2 •

Massey, A.R.     MA2 • McDaniel, R. (n)     S1 •  

McLean, R.A.      TM1 • Montague, W. (n)     MA1 •

Muir, C.R.      CTM • Ogilvie, H.B.     TM2 •

Ouzts, C.M.,Jr.    Momm1 • Pavlin, B.F.      EM2 •

Pisarski, H. (n)Ranger, J.A.      RM2 •

Rakyta, J.G.     S1 •  Runkowski, C.L.     TM3 •

Ryall, L.R.    Momm1 • Sallee, C.K.     SC1 •

Seidell,D.R.      ENS • Smorol, P.P.     F2 •  

Spierer, E.R.     S1 •  Springsteen, C.A.     S1 •  

Stern, R.G.,Jr.     LTJG • St. John, F.T.     Y1 •  

Taylor, H.A.      EM2 • Thurman, I.H.     F1 •  

Tobin, W.J.      EM2 • Trask, P.B.      TM2 •

Ullstrom, J.H.     S2 •  Ward, A.G.      EM3 •

Wilson, E.L.    F3 •  Winquist, H.C.A.    Momm1 •

(Reverse side)

Lost But Not Forgotten

Positions of United States Submarine Losses in World War II

List of 52 Lost Boats and Date

(Lower Plaque)

This Plaque is Dedicated to the Wives and Mothers for the

Hardships They Endured as They Served with Us in World War II

Swampfox Chapter of South Carolina, United States

Submarine Veterans of World War II, 1988

Marker is on Point Pleasant Road.


Credits and Sources: