World War II War Memorial

Vigo County Indiana

[ Front ]W. W. II

Killed in Action

from Vigo County

[ Obverse ]

[ Row One ]

Lawrence Aaren • Ray E. Adams • William H. Altekruse • Charles V. Anderson • Warren C. Anderson • Wayne W. Anderson • Adolph P. Antoine • William R. Armstrong • Charles J. Atwood, Jr. • Guido Baratto • Joseph J. Beal • Eugene I. Beaucamp • James W. Bedwell • Howard H. Bird • Norman B. Bitzegaio • James R. Blue • Frank A. Bouillez • William G. Bovenschulte • William J. Boyle • John H. Brettell • Vincent Brimley • Herschel C. Brown, Jr. • Jack W. Brown • Roy W. Brown • James M. Bruce • Merle E. Bryant • Daniel C. Burke, Jr. • Joseph M. Burok • Robert E. Burton • Max E. Bush • Leonard J. Butts • Richard D. Callecod • Joseph E. Campbell • Edward Caton • Warren W. Causey • Martin H. Certain • Charles W. Cheek • Harry S. Church • Alfred H. Conrad • Leon A. Conrath • Robert O. Cordell • Frank W. Cornwell • Bruce V. Cox • John W. Crawford • William H. Creasey • Charles R. Cree • George A. Crock • Jack W. Cromwell • Wayne Crynes • Daniel F. Curran • Harold F. Daggs • Norman L. Daily • John Daly, Jr. • James E. Davis • Joseph C. Davis • Harold J. Day • Eugene L. DeLisle • Joseph D. Deak, Jr. • Philip A. Deal • Rollie G. Dean • Harold J. Deuster • Carl E. Dickerson • Jacob O. Dooley • Vernon T. Dorsey • Samuel Dowell • Clarence L. Dreher, Jr. • R. G. Dronberger, Jr. • Tom Dwyer • William H. East • Robert M. Edwards • Robert K. Enders • Steve J. Evon • Carl L. Ewing • Paul R. Fenton • Robert J. Field • Bruce D. Figg • Everett E. Figg • Leroy F. Foltz • John R. Forsythe • Richard A. Fox • Roscoe L. Frakes • Roland Frost • Fredrick G. Fry • Billie E. Gilbert • Edward D. Goetz • George L. Gray • Oscar M. Griffin • Kenneth O. Haas • Farrell D. Hale • Jack M. Haley • Freeman M. Newman


[ Row Two ]

William Hamman • Oral B. Hamrick • Charles R. Hargis • Warren G. Harris • Harold W. Hart • Karl F. J. Heckelsberg • James N. Hicks • Willard H. Hixon • Herman A. Hoffman, Jr. • Russell J. Hogan • Charles Holland • James R. Hougm • John R. Householder • Lyle O. Hucle • James Hughbanks • Joe J. Hunt • Walter W. Huston • Benson O. Jackson • Paul E. James • Tom E. James • Malcolm W. Jones • Edward L. Jordan • John L. Joy • Herbert Kaufman • Paul O. Kemp • Matt Kennedy • Milton J. Kersey • Lester W. Killion • Leroy A. King • Otis King • Victor W. Kirk • Ralph C. Klatte • Walter F. Knollenberg • John Kohl • Edward Kosterno • Michael J. Kruse • Billy J. Lark • Edward B. Leever • Lawrence L. Lewark • Fred Lisch • Bernard L. Locsdon • Robert B. Longfellow • Harry R. Luce • John V. Lundstrom • George U. Malloy • Ernest M. Mansard, Jr. • Harry R. Marshall • John P. Martin • Wilbur Marts • Paul M. Mascari • Floyd Maxwell • Richard C. Mayrose • Bruce Mays • Raymond McCrananhan • John R. McCune • Harry W. McKain • Daniel L. McKinney • Frank Meeran • Cleo D. Miller • William L. Miller • Fred J. Moelter • Joseph H. Monaghan • Paul F. Morrison • W. C. Morrison, Jr. • Eugene C. Mount • Charles H. Murphy • Alfred W. Myers • John R. Myles • George M. Needham • Charles L. Newman • Wayne E. Newton • Owen T. O’Neil • William E. O’Rear • Frank D. Osborne • Stanley Ozok • Charles E. Payne • George H. Payne • John S. Pegg • Harold W. Penny • George L. Peters • Charles R. Phillips • Vern E. Piker • Joseph Papinchock • James D. Pollitt • Bernard M. Powers • Kenneth B. Quilliam • Dennis J. Quinlan • Victor R. Raikes • John J. Rak • Oren F. Randall


[ Row Three ]

Benjamin N. Rauch, Jr. • James C. Rea • Henry F. Reedy • Frank L. Roales • Cornelius F. Roberts • Roy C. Roberts • Arthur N. Robertson • John R. Robinson • George T. Roby • Frank T. Roclitz • Donald W. Roper • James W. Ross • Jacob R. Roush, Jr. • Floyd W. Runnels • Harold W. Sanders • Layman M. Sanders • Charles H. Sasseen • Raymond L. Scahrbrough • Robert L. Scarbrough • Joseph E. Schell • Lawrence Schimmel • Harold E. Schommer • Clarence Searcy, Jr. • August C. Sieferman • Earl R. Shelburn • William W. Sherwood • Thomas S. Shestack • Richard L. Shipe • John E. Shoaf • Richard Silcock • Eugene B. Smith • Francis J. Smith • George R. Smith • George W. Smith, Jr. • John C. Smith, Jr. • Pete Smith • Raymond A. Smith • Robert E. Smolten • Albert C. Sparks • Charles Spork • Walter R. Staggs • Beryl H. Steele • Charles R. Stewart • Lawrence A. Stewart • Robert E. Stewart • Henry A. Stryken • Frank J. Stuck • Warren L. Stump • Kalyd M. Tarrh • Beryl E. Tarwater • Paul L. Thompson • John Thomson, Jr. • J. J. Thornberry, Jr. • Roy Tindall • William R. Tirey • Jacob L. Travis • Hobart Tryon • William W. Tryon • Clarence S. Tucker • John H. Vaughan • Joseph T. Wade • Wayne Wade • Carl W. Waggoner • Ernest E. Walters • Richard E. Weaver • Horace W. Weese • Stephen Weiss • Charles J. Wells • Raymond W. Wenzel • Charles F. Whalen • William E. Whalen • Rex A. Wheat • Bernard E. Whitaker • Russell O. Whitesell • Niles J. A. Widding • William Wilford • Frederick W. Williams • George Williams • Harry C. Williams • James A. Williams • Norman L. Williford • William D. Williford • Donnis W. Willis • John O. Wilson • Milton L. Wolfangle • William M. Woodard • Maurice F. Wren • Ermyle E. Young • Everett W. Zellers • Fred W. Zope


Marker can be reached from South 3rd Street south of Cherry Street.


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