WW II Grant County (Indiana) Veterans Memorial

[center panel]

World War II

1941 - 1945

All Gave Some

Some Gave All

[left panel]

** The Supreme Sacrifice **

(left column)

Edward Leroy Addison • Bruce Adkins • Donald Perry Adkins • George Corwin Allen • Robert Gerald Allen • Donald D. Alvarado • Floyd Amrhine • James Dale Anderson • Clyde E. Andes • James Dale Armstrong • Beryl Atkinson • Carl E. Atkinson • George W. Baker • John H. Beam • Robert Beard • Philip G. Bedwell • Charles R. Bell • William F. Boice • Billy S. Boxell • Lloyd Bradfield • M. Dale Brown • Raymond H. Brown • John Burke • Wayne L. Camblin • Charles Campbell • Melvin W. Chappel • Lewis Edward Clanin • Vernon Keith Cole • Earl Collins • Glen Copeland • Paul R. Corbin • Esker E. Cox • James W. Cramer • Harold Criswell • Robert Crosby • Robert Virgil Cunningham • Stephen Curtis • Loren Paul Davis • Elmer Day • Ralph L. Day, Jr. • Edward A Deering • Charles P. Dollar • Max E. Doyle • Ferris Dunton • Raymond Durben • Fred Durben • Claude E. Durkes • Charles C. Edgington • Joseph Eisenhauer • George Richard Ellison • Lloyd E. Embree • Clarence V. Englehart

(right column)

Richard Esterley • Herman Everhart • Ernest Ferguson • William Edward Ferguson • Thomas Fletcher • Charles Ford • Robert J. Foust • Fred Everett Freet • Glen Froelich • Charles M. Garrison • Keith Gillespie • Bernard Glogas • George E. Glover • Edward S. Golden • Richard Goodykoontz • Thomas P. Gormley • Daniel J. Graham • Paul Grahl • George Dean Grant • George Hall • James M. Hiatt • Charles O. Hodge • Leroy S. Hodson • James Edward Holcomb • Roscoe Gerald Holloway • Harry Houseman • Edgar Leroyce Howell • Harry Howell • James A. Howell • Harry J. Hults • Wendell Ray Hurley • Merle G. Ice • Robert Leslie Ice • William S. Jessup • Allen Johnson • Robert F. Johnson • Earl Edward Kepler • George Kimball • Charles Kimbrough • Gordon E. Kindschi • Clarence King • Arthur Kinsey • Brooks Kirkwood • Fred Lamb • Donald LaVanway • Billy S. Layton • Demas W. Leach • Raymond Edward Lee • John Harold Lehman • James Ralph Libengood • Richard W. Lindahl • George R. Lynn

[right panel]

** The Supreme Sacrifice **

(left column)

Charles Maggart • John Robert Mann • Raymond A. Marley • Millard Marrs • William C. Mason • John J. May • Foye H. McCarty • Robert A. McLain • Paul D. McClellan, Jr. • Raymond J. McElwee • James H. McGuire • John William McMasters • Laurence McMillan • C. David Mellendorf • Clair L. Miller • John I. Miller • Robert Miller • John William Mills • Harold R. Moore • Morris Bud Moore • Morris E. Moore • Floyd Moorman • Glen Moorman • Harold D. Morrell • Richard O. Murphy • Leslie Nelson Myers • Maurice Neeley • Ray E. Norman, Jr. • Allen J. Nose • William E. Osburn • Harold Dean Pace • Charles G. Passwater • Guy Partridge, Jr. • William Joseph Pattison • Loren E. Percy • Charles Poling, Jr. • Walter W. Pratt • James M. Prior • Howard H. Ramsey • Donald R. Ratliff • Allen T. Reasoner • Everett Reece • Robert B. Reeder • Maurice R. Reese • Earl E. Rehling • Eugene Richards • Kenneth Riddle • John W. Riggs • James D. Riley • Wendell Earl Rish • Donald D. Roades • Edwin W. Rose

(right column)

Ernest J. Scott • Robert D. Scott • Charles Robert Shaffer • Robert Mark Shaw • Howard C. Shephard • Arthur Lee Sheron • James A. Shook • Max Showalter • Robert A. Simons • Ralph C. Smith • George E. Sloan • Charles P. Sparks • Jack D. Starbuck • George Washington Stevens • Darrell F. Strausbaugh • Cloyd R. Sutton • Chester L. Taylor • Keith E. Taylor • Lloyd Russell Teal • Donald O. Thomas • Dan V. Thompson • Edwin H. Timmons • Dale J. Trueman • Delbert Trueman • Kenneth L. Turner • Kenneth L. Turney • Charles H. Waisner • John Walker • Rex Walker • Charles R. Wallace • Joe Walling • John W. Walling • Richard J. Walters • Donald Lee Warnock • Clarence Watson • Forrest D. Watson • Emerson V. Weaver • John Wehry • Samuel C. Whedon • James W. Wheeler • Robert D. Whybrew • Charles E. Williams • Charles R. Williams • Donald E. Williams • Richard L. Williams • Donald Wilson • Chester Adolph Wine • Joseph L. Wolf • Frank Eugene Wood • Omer K. Woodard • Roscoe Woodbury • George Zeiler


With Honor and Respect for our Freedom

WW II Grant County Veterans

Rededicated May 30, 1999

Marker is on South Adams Street north of East 4th Street (Indiana Route 18), on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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