Yuba County Veterans Memorial

We as a community have committed ourselves to honor our Veterans…the living and the dead.

We must embrace the fact that we are the benefactors of their sacrifices. We must also remember to honor the Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice – their lives! Their names must not be lost nor forgotten.

Our community has the responsibility to cherish their sacrifice to us – Their Gift ensuring our Freedom. For every thing we do and every thing we have we owe to them.

Have we not inherited their hopes and their dreams? And are their hopes and dreams not fulfilled through us? In a greater sense are we not their living memorials – We who enjoy the gift of freedom purchased with their blood?

How can we continue in all that we have by forgetting how we received it? Did they not trade all of their futures for our present?

It is so, with much resolve and God’s help we dedicate these memorials to their memory.

”Such is the past .. so be the future.”

- Daniel Logue, Jr. – Chairman

All Veterans Memorial Committee of Yuba and Sutter Counties

Yuba County

Veterans Memorial

World War I

[ Panel 1: ]

Charles W. McConaughy, Cpt. Army • Preston F. Hendricks, Pvt. Army • William H. Kneebone, Army • Edward J. McGanney, Pvt. Army • Wilton L. McDonald, Sgt. Army • Lewis M. McCurry, Pvt. U.S.M.C. • Charles F. Cassano, Pvt. Army • Charley M. Thomas, Pvt. Army • John Zvijerkovich, Sgt. Army • Claude B. Boswell, Pvt. Army • Arthur E. Linnell, Pvt. Army

[ Panel 2: ]

Paul J. Langenbach, Capt. Army • William L. Norton, Pvt. Army • Charles S. Waller, Pvt. Army • Frank R. Gengler, Pvt. Army • Archir C. Bristow, Pvt. Army • Richard N. Coupe, Pvt. Army • Wilfred R. Smith, Pvt. Army • Alphonse Petrie, Pvt. Army • Horatio D. Poole, Pvt. Army • Patrick H. Dugan, Pvt. Army • William O. White, Pvt. Army

[Panel 3: ]

Lewis J. Blodget, Pvt. U.S.M.C. • Horatio D. Poole, Pvt. Army • Fred T. Bottler, Pvt. Army • Lester J. Bishop, Pvt. Army • Vaughn Keifer, Pvt. Army • James M. Brown, Pvt. Army • David T. Welch, Pvt. Army • Lawrence Gray, Cdt. Navy • Edward Hove, Pvt. Army • Earl D. Hall, Pvt. Army • Bert J. Hale, Cpl. Army

World War II

[ Panel 1: ]

Charles H. McKiernan, SA1C Navy • Charles E. Thornhill, PFC Army • Ralph D. Boswell Jr. MM.2C Navy • Raymond S. Dunwoody, Cpl. Army • Marlin W. Thornton, PFC Army • Francis E. Edward, SA.2C Navy • Francis N. Luyster, SA2C Navy • P. Ralph Mitchell Sr., Pvt. Army • Harry A. Skinner Jr., 2Lt. Army • Raymond S. Meza, PFC U.S.M.C. • William E. Carter, S. Sgt. Army • Ronald N. Savage

[ Panel 2: ]

Marvin K. Tarrant, PFC Army • Donald L. Huston, 1Lt. U.S.M.C. • Edward N. Bedford, Pvt. Army • Marion D. Cowles, MM3C Navy • Edna Y. Stevenson, PFC Army • Irving C. Tibbetts, PFC Army • James A. Butler, PFC U.S.M.C. • Cecil A. Pittenger, Sgt Army • Warren A. Scott, Cpl. U.S.M.C. • Bernard H. Foust, PFC. Army • Virgil H. English, PFC. Army • Joseph Souza, Pfc. Army

[ Panel 3: ]

Cecil A. Martin, Pvt. Army • Adolph Del Pero, 1Lt. A.F. • Henry H. Wade, PFC. Army • Mack McCain, PFC Army • Cornelius Bink, T4 Army • Richard L. Cox, Pvt. Army • Joseph Uriola, Sgt. Army • Roy D. Taylor, PFC. Army • Ralph R. Bubb, Sgt. Army • Orbie Parker, Pvt. Army • Gene W. Silva, PFC. Army • Fred E. Wallace, Pvt. Army

[ Panel 4: ]

Wilbur Burns, Capt. Army • Fred Wroten, Cpl. Army • Irby C. Perrin, CR Navy • Jim B. Goines, Pvt. Army • Dale Cooper, F2C. Navy • John W. Yee, TSgt. Army • Ray H. Eddy, TSgt. Army • Dick V. Twice, Sgt. Army • Harry Miller • Harry Shaw • A.D. Wood, Cpl. Army • Joseph H. Weaver, Pvt.

[ Panel 5: ]

William H. Marvin, Pvt. A.A.F. • Otto D. Del Pero, S.Sgt. A.A.F. • Arthur L. Larner, Sgt. A.A.F. • Frank J. Taylor, S.Sgt.Army • James M. Stagner, Pvt. Army • Allen Stromer, S.Sgt. Army • John F. Luyster, EM1C Navy • Charles A. Norby, 1Lt. Army • Lyle McAllister, Sgt. A.A.F. • Joseph C. Walker, Cpl. Army • Henry P. Heppy, S.Sgt. Army

[ Panel 6: ]

Junior L. Nelson, Pvt. Army • Edwin L. Reader, PFC. Army • Robert E. Spencer, Lt. Navy • Allen E. Harris, PFC. Army • David H. Jeffery, Sgt. Army • Arthur C. Paulk, Pvt. Army • Andre W. Jaques, Sgt. Army • John C. Calhoun, 1Lt. Army • Louie A. Porta, S.Sgt. Army • Leroy Doshier, PFC. Army • Glen H. Easley, PFC. Army


Theodore B. Pringle Jr., SN Navy • Walter G. Napier, PFC. U.S.M.C. • Donald W. Story, PFC. Army • Leonard A. Baker, Pvt. Army • Walter D. Bean, Cpt. U.S.M.C. • Alva J. Perkins, Pvt. Army • Walter Steele, Sgt. Army • Jack Kesner, A1C. AF • Donald Malone, SA. Navy

Vietnam / Iraq War


Mario M. Laguna, SP4. Army • Kenny D. Schoel, PFC> Army • Larry J. Clanton, Cpt. AF • David J. Bolton, 2Lt. Army • David E. Nance, PFC. Army • John T. Baker, Cpl. Army • Philip Mahler, Mjr. AF • Lee R. Bays, Sgt. Army

Iraq War

Harvey Parkerson III

Sgt. Army


Steven O. Schneller, PFC. Army • Griffith A. Jones, CS MAJ. Army • George T. Connolly, Pvt. Army • Thomas W. Cummins, Sp4. Army • Verne G. Donnelly, Cdr. Navy • Michael Millner, SFC Army • Edward L. Greene, Sgt. Army • Michael S. Vrablick, 1Lt. AF • Darrell Lee Walker, Navy • Ralph Williams, Pfc. USMC

They Gave Up All Their Tomorrows

So We May Have Our Todays

Marker is on 5th Street, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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