Zanesville and Muskingum County Artwall

This is a “rubbing” wall which depicts the proud

history of Zanesville and Muskingum County.

Historic images are surrounded by tiles

depicting foliage from the Ohio Buckeye tree.

The images are in order of their dates

beginning with the image to your right and

continuing around the wall.

To make a rubbing, hold or tape a piece of

medium or light weight paper over an image.

Use a firm pencil or crayon to draw back and

forth across the paper. This will transfer the

image to the paper. Diagonal strokes work

best. Please do not use pens or markers.

Please remove tape when you remove your paper.

To learn more about the history of Zanesville

and Muskingum County, look for resources

inside the library.

DeBorah Goletz, 1999 [who made the tiles]

[A.] 1700's

The Delaware tribe lived here in the

late 1700's and named the

“Moos-kin-gung” (Muskingum) River.

It means Elk Eye River.

[B.] 1797

Colonel Ebenezer Zane, Jonathan Zane

John McIntire and Tomepomehala cut

“Zane's Trace” from Wheeling, WV, to

Maysville, KY claiming 640 acres as the

future site of Westbourne

(renamed Zanesville)

[C.] 1805

Zanesville's first school house was

made from logs

[D.] 1809

Zanesville built a two story brick

courthouse to become Ohio's state

capital for two years triumphing over

Putnam's Stone Academy. Zanesville

had already secured the Muskingum

County seat in 1804 one year after

Ohio became a state.

[E.] 1814

Wooden flatboats floated with the

current carrying people, livestock

and goods to downstream markets as

far away as New Orleans. The first

Y Bridge was supported by one center

stone pier and wooden trestles.

[F.] Pottery was manufactured here as

early as 1808 but Zanesville became

best known for ceramic tiles in the

late 1800's and art pottery in the early

and mid 1900's.

[G.] 1824

The first steamship to visit Zanesville

on the Muskingum River was the

“Rufus Putnam.” The 2nd Y Bridge

replaced the first in 1819 and was

supported on stone piers.

[H.] 1832

The 3rd Y Bridge was a covered

wooden structure on stone piers

designed by Catherinus Buckingham.

The National Road reached Zanesville

in 1831 and continued across the

bridge. The Ohio Canal, also completed

in 1831 passed under the Y Bridge.

[I.] 1835

Angry mobs from Zanesville disrupted

(Anti-Slavery) meetings of the

Muskingum County Abolition Society

held at the Stone Academy in Putnam.

The Zanesville men were originally

from Virginia, and sympathized with

Southern Pro-Slavery sentiments.

[J.] 1852

The Central Ohio Railroad Company

operated the 1st train to Zanesville in

1852. By the 1880's several train lines

joined them including the Bellaire,

Zanesville & Cincinatti [sic] narrow guage [sic]

train pictured. The BZ&C was nicknamed

“Bent, Zigzag & Crooked” due to it's

winding tracks.

[K.] 1861

Many volunteers from Zanesville

joined the Northern army to fight the

Confederates in the Civil War. News of

the war was quickly transmitted over

telegraph wires (installed in 1847).

[L.] 1860's

Zanesville's many factories were

producing iron, glass, beer and even

soap (pictured is the Schultz Star Soap

Factory). These goods were sent by

steamships to be sold in other cities.

[M.] 1872-1939

Zane Grey was the great-grandson of

Colonel Ebenezer Zane. Born in

Zanesville, he became well known for

writing countless novels and short

stories about the American West.

[N.] 1876

This hydraulic tile press, patented in

Zanesville, enabled the American

Encaustic Tile Company of Zanesville

to be the first mass producer of

ceramic tile in the United States.

[O.] 1877

Zanesville's first streetcar (pulled by

horses) passes the new courthouse

which was built on the site of the

“Old 1809” courthouse.

[P.] 1902

The 4th Y Bridge, made of concrete

held tracks for the electric

streetcars (which began serving

Zanesville in 1890).

[Q.] 1907

The John McIntire Library was built with

funds from Andrew Carnegie. Books

came from the Zanesville Athenaeum.

In 1904, Samuel Weller owned the first

(electric “Runabout”) car in Zanesville.

Zanesville's police patrol wagon also

served as an ambulance.

[R.] 1913

The Muskingum River flooded the 4th Y

Bridge and many streets in Zanesville.

Chris Brownfield bought Zanesville's

first (Wright-style) airplane. When he

couldn't get this airplane to fly, he

built another which he flew in 1915.

[S.] 1917

Zanesville sent volunteers to fight in

World War I and helped Muskingum

County raise over $6,689,512 from the

sale of Liberty Bonds to furnish

munitions for the war.

[T.] 1941-1945

World War II

On Armistice Day 1942, the public

funded a World War II Honor Roll

Board surrounding the courthouse.

Over the next four years, it grew to

contain 7000 names of Muskingum

residents who served in the war.

[U.] 1997

Zanesville celebrated its 200th

birthday as a thriving, charitable

community, embracing its culture and

industry while remembering its proud


Marker is at the intersection of 5th Street and Shinnick Street, on the left when traveling south on 5th Street.


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