Hampton's Brigade

Stuart's Cavalry Division


Army of Northern Virginia

Stuart's Cavalry Division

Hampton's Brigade

1st. North Carolina

1st. and 2nd. South Carolina Cavalry

Jeff Davis (Miss.)

and Cobb's and Phillips's (GA.) Legions

July 2 Engaged in the evening with 3rd Division Cavalry Corps near Hunterstown. Cobb's Legion led the attack and lost a number of officers and men killed and wounded.

July 3 The Brigade arrived here about noon and skirmished with Union sharpshooters. In the afternoon the 1st North Carolina and Jeff Davis Legion advancing in support of Chambliss's Brigade drove back the Union Cavalry but met their reserve and were in a critical position when the Brigade went to their support and a hand to hand fight ensued in which Brig.-Gen. Wade Hampton was severely wounded.

The conflict ended in the failure of the Confederates in their purpose to assail the rear of the Union army.

Losses Killed 17 Wounded 56 Missing 18 Total 91

Marker is on Cavalry Field Road (Confederate Cavalry Avenue), on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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